Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day 2012

There really isn't much to say about our Memorial Day weekend this year.  I always enjoy the time to slow down and reflect on what a blessing we have in our freedom!  Friday night my parents kept the kids so Matt and I had a date night.  We went to dinner then did some shopping for the kids new rooms.  Saturday and Sunday we spent working on the kids rooms!  They are really starting to come together.  Can't wait to show you pictures.  Saturday night we went to the Alabama Jubilee Festival in Decatur.  It was a ton of fun!  Pictures to come tomorrow. 

The kids looked cute in their patriotic clothes on Sunday before church.

Matt had to work today so really we didn't do much of anything.  The kids and I went and ate with him at the hospital.  They always enjoy riding the tram and seeing where daddy works. 
 The big issue has been that our air went out yesterday!!  Ugh!!  Nothing like 96 degree days with no air.  And of course it was a holiday so no one could fix it.  Hopefully tomorrow.  Until then we are spending as much time as possible upstairs!  The kids were excited to get to sleep up there today.  Their own little camp out on the futon.  We are getting new carpet on Wednesday so hopefully the air will be fixed by then.  We were moving furniture tonight and got a little warm!! 

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