Monday, July 23, 2012

Family Reunion

It has probably been over 20 years since I have been to a real family reunion.  But on Saturday I broke that streak.  The kids and I loaded up with my parents and took a trip over to Pell City for a Perry family reunion.  My mom's Uncle James turned 85 years old so his daughters planned a birthday party for him that turned into a family get together.  I met cousins of my mom's there that I did not even know existed.  It was really neat to get to see everyone and hear some of the Perry family history.  My grandfather passed away almost 5 years ago and this is his only living sibling so it was neat to hear stories about the Perry family. 

My kids were excited to see my cousin Ben's kids and get to play with them. 
My mom chatting with her cousins Pam and Laura. 
Dear, sweet Kate.  We are having a tough time with her these days and Saturday was no exception.  I like to say she is just all 2!
Both my sweet kiddos.  I loved their matching outfits!
My great uncle James blowing out his birthday candles. 
My mom's cousin Pam's house was beautiful.  It was on the top of a mountain.  It had huge wrap around porches and this amazing library/dining room.  There was also a great pool out back that the kids loved!  They had so much fun playing with Kenneth and Joy. 

Here are all the direct Perry descendants that were there (minus Kate because she was having a melt down in the car).  It was a really neat time to get to see family and share memories.  Hopefully it won't be another 20 years before I go to another family reunion. 

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