Monday, July 9, 2012

While The Kids Are Away...

We had a different kind of weekend around here.  The kids took off on an adventure while we stayed home.  Ben and Kate went with my parents to visit my grandmother (better known as GG) in LaFayette.  They absolutely love going to GG's house!!!  They were so excited to spend the weekend with Grandaddy, Granna and GG.  They had a wonderful time!!
So while they were gone that left us parents at home with no kiddos.  Surprisingly we were at a loss as to what to do!  Friday night we went out on a double date with our friends the Johnsons.  We had a great time hanging out and getting caught up with them!  We laughed and just enjoyed an adult evening.  Doesn't happen all that often. 

Saturday morning we were overwhelmed at a whole day with nothing to do and no one to take care of.  Matt did some yard work and I did some house work then we headed out.  We went to a movie (Spiderman which was good).  Then we did a little shopping (it is nice to shop for adult clothes).  Went to dinner (which was nice and quiet with no screaming kids).  It was a perfect evening!  I love just getting to spend a little time alone with my awesome hubby! 
The kids came home early Sunday afternoon. We enjoyed our time alone but we sure did miss them.  There were lots of hugs given when they got in!  We spent lots of time playing Sunday evening. 

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