Friday, August 10, 2012

BUSY - Fun With Friends

We have had a super busy week.  It has been great.  Full of lots of fun things but I am ready for it to slow down.  It has been non stop.  Over the last few weeks we have had a great time getting to see lots of friends.  I guess we are trying to get in lots of playing before school starts back and we are limited.  

Ben had his buddy Jonah over to spend the night Wednesday night.  They had a blast playing Legos and Wii.  I have never seen 2 boys go to bed quicker than they did.  

Genevieve came over for a fun playdate yesterday.  They had a great time dressing up and playing princess.
 Last week the kids got to go over to the Johnson's house.  They had a blast!!!  Ben sure is going to miss Micah this year.
 Kate and Isaac will be in the same class at school (not on the same days but still will be together some).

 We also got to have a fun playtime with the Cabras a couple of weeks ago.
 Kaylee and Kate had a great time getting to swim together.
Hopefully things will begin to calm down a little bit over the next week so we can start to get ready for school.

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