Monday, August 27, 2012

Low Key Weekend

We had a super low key kind of weekend.  Those really are the best!  It will probably be the last one for a long time.  The fall gets busy with football games, soccer, baby showers, retreats and other things.  I get tired just thinking about what is coming up.  After the long week I was exhausted by the time Friday night came.  I fell asleep at 8 at night and didn't wake up until 8 the next morning.  It was really nice!!  Saturday we hung around the house.  The kids had fun playing army men.  

 Matt and I worked in the flower beds.  I carried the bags of mulch and he spread them.  We got the yard looking good!
We then spent the rest of the weekend celebrating Matt's birthday.  Saturday night we met my family for dinner at Outback and then after church on Sunday we went over to Matt's parent's house for lunch.  It is always fun to stretch out birthdays!  Then the rest of Sunday was spent getting ready for the week.  We were back at it today!  Ben was so excited to start back to school.  I am so glad he likes it.

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