Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Prayers for Colorado

Last night our family got to be a part of something really special.  One of Matt's best buddies since middle school and his family are off on a God sized adventure and we got to be a part of it in a very small way.  The Sanford family really has had an amazing call from God on their lives to be a part of His work.  They are moving next week to Colorado to begin the process of church planting.  We were able to help them with a fundraising dinner last night.  It was so amazing to get to hear their story and see the way God has been working.  We are so excited for them and know that He is going to use them in a mighty way.  

They will be moving to Colorado Springs for a year to be a part of a church planting residency.  Then they have plans to start a church in a neighborhood right outside of Denver.  I cannot imagine what they are going through packing up, leaving behind family and friends, quitting a stable job and moving across the country.  They are taking a huge leap of faith and I know God is going to bless their socks off for it!!!  We are so excited to be a part of it in a very small way through prayer and financial support.  We look forward to hearing about all God is going to do through them.  I know it will be big things.  

You can read more about the organization they will be going with at Frontline Ministries website.  If you are interested in supporting them through prayer or monetary donations let me know and I can get you in touch with them.  

We had a great time at the dinner getting to visit with old friends.  Ashley Cabra did an amazing job of pulling everything all together!!  Thanks Ashley!
 Kate and Kaylee had a great time playing and hiding under the food tables.
 Matt, Jon and Eric have been friends for forever.  Together we all have 6 kiddos (3 older boys and 3 younger girls).  We tried to get a picture of all of them but this is the best we could do.
 This is Eric and Amanda.  You can follow along on their journey at the Sanford family on the side of our blog and also at their ministry website.  We sure are going to miss them being in Alabama but know they are going to do awesome things in Colorado.  We can wait to go visit them soon!

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