Sunday, September 23, 2012

Happy 80th!!!!!

I have 2 kids that want to wish a very special lady a very happy birthday!!
Today is my Grandmama's 80th birthday.  What a special day.  My grandmother is just amazing.  She is such a strong lady.  Ben's favorite story to tell people is that she was bitten by a rattlesnake and she is just fine.  The thing that amazes me most is her love for her grandkids and great-grandkids.  I love this picture of my brother and I from way back when.  I loved all the time we got to spend at her house each summer growing up.  Such wonderful memories!!
 Watching her with Ben and Kate over the past few years has been such a joy.  She loves them so much.  In all of these pictures you can see she can't take her eyes off of them.  And they ADORE her.  I don't think a week goes by that they don't talk about GG and ask if we can go visit GG.  They just love her so!!

We just want to say Happy Birthday GG!!!  Hope you have a very special day.  We can't wait to see you very soon.

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