Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Crocodiles Who Ate Jesus

Kate sure does keep us on our toes these days.  We like to call her our wild woman!  I remember my mom saying that if my brother had been born first he might have been an only child.  I know understand that.  If Kate had been born first she might be an only child!  She keeps us running most days but with that also comes a lot of laughs.  Like this conversations we had the other day on the way home from church...

Me: "Kate what did you talk about today in Sunday School?"
Kate:  "We talked about when Jesus crossed to the other side of the lake."
Me: "What happened when He got to the other side?"  (thinking she would say something about him feeding people or teaching people or walking on water.)
Kate:  "He got eaten by crocodiles."  

I had to laugh at that one.  Only Kate could come up with a story about Jesus being eaten by crocodiles.  

She also has a new trick she likes to do these days.  She has learned how to do a forward roll and she calls it her flip.  She shows everyone she can her flip!

Thankful everyday for the sweet blessing this little girl is in our lives.  She is crazy but I know she is going to do big things for God one day!  Can't wait to see what it is.

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