Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Crazy Saturday

I sat down a couple of weeks ago and looked at the calendar.  It is crazy how busy our weekends are going to be for the next few weekends.  Ok really through Christmas we are packed out!  AHHHH!!  Oh well, that is just life with 2 kids and lots of friends.  I wouldn't have it any other way.  Plus staying so busy means we have not time to watch Auburn play or even really think about how bad things are this year. 
This past Saturday was no exception we had several different activities all throughout the day.  It started with the Fall Festival at Ben's school.  It is a big fundraiser for the school and the kids were super excited to go.  Ben loved the soda ring toss game.  I was watching and none of the kids were winning so I told Ben to just go for one of the sodas on the front row.  Ben was determined to get a Mello Yello that was on the 4th row back.  And wouldn't you know that lucky little guy hit it on the first try!  He was so excited!

They had lots of fun on the inflatables. 

 Kate won a Cinderella doll at the stuffed animal walk.  Cinderella has gone everywhere with us the last few days. 

 Ben had a soccer game that we had to fit in between fun at the Fall Festival.  Ben has enjoyed soccer but it will be great to have that done with this week!
 We ran home for quick naps then it was back out for Ben to go to his buddy John Thomas' birthday party at the Little Gym.  My friend Jenny did a cute job with the Lego theme. 
While Ben was at the party the rest of us went to a work get together for Matt.  It was a tailgate themed party so it had the best foods! 

We all came home and crashed after the crazy day!  And we will just get to do it all over again this weekend! 

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