Saturday, November 17, 2012

Celebrating 3!

It will be several days worth of posts to get in all of the celebrating we did for our sweet 3 year old.  I thought I would start out with just the fun we had as a family on her birthday.  We were all up waiting on the 3 year old to wake up.  We sang "Happy Birthday" to her as soon as she walked in.  This is the first picture of our 3 year old (she was born at 2:16 am). 
First up was a few presents.  This is an awesome princess doll carriage that turns into a doll house.  It is so cute and Kate loved it. 
Ben could not wait for Kate to open his present for her.  He has known for months what he wanted to get her.  It was princess Legos of course!! 

 Love this sweet picture of Matt brushing the birthday girl's hair.  They were getting ready for a fun time out together. 
 Heading out for a special time with daddy!
They had a Daddy - daughter breakfast at Panera and then ran some final errands to get ready for the party. 
 The afternoon was spent having a princess tea party with Kate's sweet friends.  It was just wonderful.  I can't wait to post all the fun pictures.  We then went to dinner at Red Robin (Kate's choice) for a family dinner.  Kate loved when all the servers sang to her and she got a hot fudge sundae. 
 We finished up the day with a few more fun presents.  It was just a wonderful day!! 

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