Wednesday, November 21, 2012

One Final Party

We finished up celebrating our new 3 year old on Saturday night with a family (plus the Wrights who are pretty much family) party.  It is hard to do a party with family and friends so it works well to do 2 even though it means more work.  It is a fun time to have all our family together.  We don't get together with both sides of the family that often so it is always good for everyone to get caught up.  We enjoyed a great dinner of Chic-fil-a nuggets, mac & cheese, chips and fruit.  

 My mom loved being able to feed baby Grace!  Grace is such a sweet baby!  Everyone enjoyed getting a chance to hold her.
 These 2 girls are so goofy!!  They ran around like crazy women all night.  They had so much fun.  We asked Kate what her favorite part of the party was and she said, "playing with Paige."
 There were so many awesome presents from everyone.  Kate was so excited.  She loved telling everyone thank you and giving hugs!

 It was time for a little more cake!
 Ben also got a chance to hold Grace.  He had been saying he wouldn't hold baby Perry because he might drop him.  So holding Grace gave him lots of confidence.
We were all very tired at the end of the party!  It had been a full and fun 2 days of partying.  I even hit the bottle (of lemonade).  
What a great few days it was celebrating Kate.  Now it is on to giving thanks for all we have been blessed with.  Just a side note.  This is the closest Kate's birthday will ever be to Thanksgiving.

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