Tuesday, December 4, 2012


I have to brag on my awesome husband for just a few minutes.  Back in October Matt took a test to become a Board Certified Pharmacotheraphy Specialist (BCPS).  He found out yesterday that he passed!!!!  WOO HOO!!!  We are all so proud of him.  He is also a Board Certfified Oncology Pharmacist (BCOP).  He is one of only 50 people that have both certifications and the only one in the state of Alabama.  So he is now Matt Eckley, Pharm.D., BCOP, BCPS.  I asked him if he is trying to see how many letters of the alphabet he can get behind his name.  We are just so excited and proud.  He is works so hard at all he does and does an amazing job.  We are blessed!
I had to include this great picture of him.  One of his "new things" for the year was to learn to tie a bow tie.  He has now mastered that and sent me this picture to show off his skills!  Love it and him!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome, Matt! So very proud of your accomplishments! And, the bow tie....great look! Looks very scholarly.
