Sunday, December 16, 2012

Date Night

Friday night we had an awesome time planned with our sweet kiddos.  We each took one out on a "date."  It was such a special time for each of us.  It could not have come at a better time since Friday is when the shootings occurred at an elementary school in Connecticut killing 20 innocent children.  It absolutely broke our hearts!!  I cannot imagine what the mothers of those 20 children are feeling.  I felt so blessed to be able to spend the evening with my little guy.  All I could think about all day was the last words I said to him as I dropped him off.  What if those had been the last I ever got to say to him.  I am going to work on making sure every moment with our kids matters!  Our fun date nights were such a great way to do this. 
Ben and I had a blast!!  We went to dinner at Zaxbys and then we to Grissom High to see the play "Best Christmas Pageant Ever."  It was one of my favorite books when I was a kid and I have been so excited to be able to share it with Ben.  We had read the book during the week and Ben thought it was hilarious.  He couldn't wait to see the play.  It was great.  He laughed all the way through.  What a special night to spend with my little guy.  We got to chat and laugh together.  It was wonderful. 
 Matt and Kate also had a great time together.  They went to dinner at Tortoras and then came home and watched a movie together.  Matt said they had a great time. 
 How sweet are those smiles??
Their evening did not end so well.  Kate started throwing up at the end of their date.  Poor girl.  She has been sick all weekend and Matt has been stuck taking care of her.  Not exactly how we wanted the evening to end but it was still such a special time with our kiddos.  We are so thankful to God for giving them to us for this time and pray we are good stewards of His gift. 

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders.  And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.  Isaiah 9:6

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