Monday, December 10, 2012

Some Christmas Traditions

After the super crazy party on Friday night we spent the rest of the weekend doing some of our favorite Christmas traditions.  Saturday morning we were up early for the Bethlehem Breakfast at our church.  We invited our neighbors the McClures to join us.  We had a great time as usual. 
The Bethlehem Breakfast is so much fun because it is like a Disney character meal only with all of the characters from the first Christmas story.  The come around to each table and give the children little gifts and tell their story.  It is such a great way for the kids to see the story of Jesus' birth come to life. 

 The kids had a blast with their friends! 
We attempted to get a picture of all of the McClures and Eckleys.  That was a pretty crazy attempt but we actually got a pretty good one. 
Saturday night was our life group's Christmas party.  We had such a wonderful time.  We decided to do a dessert party this year and that was great.  Not very stressful and lots of time to visit with everyone.  We shared what gift we were going to be giving Jesus this year.  It was a really special time.  I hate I didn't take any pictures at the party.  I did snap this one of Kate before we went.  The attitude is killer! 
 Sunday morning was church activities.  Then Sunday evening was time for one of my favorite traditions!!  We loaded up and headed out to look at Christmas lights.  Dinner was popcorn and juice boxes (dinner of champions). 

 I just love turning up the Christmas music and driving around looking at all the pretty lights.  The kids enjoy calling out whose side they see lights on.  We got to see our absolute favorite light display that we call "Baby Jesus in Florida."  It is just crazy with a manger scene in the middle of all these sea lights. 
 We also went and saw a new one that had light synced to music.  It was really neat. 
One of my favorite things about Christmas is all the fun traditions we have established as a family!

“I will send my messenger, who will prepare the way before me. Then suddenly the Lord you are seeking will come to his temple; the messenger of the covenant, whom you desire, will come,” says the Lord Almighty.  Malachi 3:1

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