Saturday, December 1, 2012

Starting Off December

We started off the month with a really fun experience tonight that I wanted to write about.  We decided at the last minute to go to the Botanical Gardens to the Galaxy of Lights.  We had been like 6 years ago and weren't impressed so we had not been back.  I was trying to think of something Christmasy we could do and thought we should try it again.  We had the best time!!  It was so much fun and better than we remembered. 
Only in Huntsville do you start your Christmas tour of lights by posing in front of helicopters and rockets.  The start of the tour is at the Space and Rocket Center and they have this great area where you could meet Santa and see lots of interesting things. 
 This cracked me up.  Only in Huntsville...

 We had no idea you could meet Santa.  I didn't bring my camera and the kids are dressed in whatever.  Ben doesn't even match.  I was a very unprepared mom.  Note Santa's sleigh is a rocket.  Very fitting. 
 Kate was so excited to see Santa.  She was jumping up and down.  She told Santa she wants a real rabbit.  Yep that is not happening!  Ben told Santa he wants a Nerf gun. 
 We got to see real reindeer.  It was really neat.  Next time we will be more prepared with a good camera and cute Christmas clothes. 
 Then it was on to the lights tour.  I loved this light at the beginning. 
Not sure why there were dinosaurs but they were cool. 
 The lights were really awesome!  There were lots of displays and they were really cool.  The kids just loved it.  They laughed and squealed the whole time. 

 There was a beautiful nativity scene near the end. 
It was a really fun evening.  Something we will be doing again.  We went during the SEC championship game (since we didn't care) so there were very few people.  It was perfect. 

Since today is the start of the advent season, I thought I would include a verse or 2 at the end of each blog up until Christmas.  I hope you enjoy.  We are so excited to be celebrating the birth of the Savior!!

Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign:  The virgin with conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.  Isaiah 7:14

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