Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A Day In the Life

I thought that I would take pictures throughout the day and document what a day is like for us these days.  Mind you today was a bit busier than normal but it is sort of like any other day.  There is always something going on!  

It started at 5:30!  Bright and early.  Up and getting ready and getting dinner in the crock pot.  I love the crock pot!
 Then it was packing lunches and feeding kiddos breakfast.
 Then to get everyone dressed and out the door by 7:30.  I like to call 7-7:30 the crazy time because it is totally crazy!!
 Then it was drop off at two schools!
 Then off to work for a full morning of patients and work.  Always very busy.
 Then a quick trip back over the mountain to check Ben out of school early for a dentist appointment.
 The dentist appointment went well and we got better answers that we did at our last one.  We picked up Kate from school and got a little frozen yogurt treat.
 After yogurt I had the bright idea of taking 2 kids shoe shopping right at nap time.  That was a disaster. But we did manage to find Ben a pair of new tennis shoes and I didn't lose my mind.  Then it was back to my office for more work.  The kids had fun making a mess before Matt picked them up.  I worked a couple of more hours.
 Then I rushed home at 5:30 and we scarfed down that crock pot dinner (BBQ coca cola chicken from Pinterest - not that good).  Then it was off to Ben's basketball game.  He had a good game with a couple of rebounds and passes.
 Sweet Kate and I at the game!
 We finally made it back home.  I had a little more work to finish up while the kids got baths.  Then it was bedtime for them.  I am now exhausted!  Posting this and watching a little TV.  I am exhausted just reading all this.  It was a great day and I wouldn't trade it for anything.  I love my job, kiddos and hubby!  It's awesome.

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