Thursday, January 24, 2013


We embarked on a new adventure today.  Kate had her very first gymnastics class.  This really was a new experience for me.  Something about Ben doing soccer, baseball and basketball doesn't seem all that strange.  But this girly girl stuff is sort of strange.  I didn't do dance or gymnastics growing up so I don't know much about it.  Kate is such a high energy little gal and she loves to jump and tumble so we figured this would be a good thing for her to try.  She was so excited.  She has loved getting some new leotards and has been talking about gymnastics for several weeks.  She could not wait!
 She was bouncing all around waiting for class to start! 
 She loved every minute of it!  They did balance beam. 
 And lots of "flips!"

Her teacher is Ms. Pennie and she was really great with Kate.  She came running out saying "gymnastics is great!"  She is already asking when she gets to go back.  It is going to be a long week waiting for next Thursday. 

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