Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Kate's 3 Year Check Up

I took Kate for her 3 year check up this afternoon.  She did awesome!  She just laid there and let Dr. Patz check her out.  She answered all his questions.  I was really proud of her.  She met all her milestones which is always good (not sure if she can draw 4 shapes but I am sure she could if she tried so I said yes).  She weighed in at 32 pounds and 37 inches.  Both of those are right at the 50%ile so she is rocking along!  

She has been congested for the past couple of weeks.  We figured it was just sinus junk that she gets alot.  Dr. Patz agreed that it was just sinus/allergy stuff but he did think she had the beginning of an ear infection.  Since she can't seem to shake the congestion he wanted to give her an antibiotic.  This will be her very first antibiotic!  I can't believe she has made it over 3 years without one!  Wow!!  Hope she does well with it and it knocks out this junk.  Always glad for a good report at the doctor.  

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