Saturday, January 5, 2013

Meeting Perry

I promised you more cuteness and it is coming!  We took Ben and Kate up to the hospital last night after dinner to meet Perry.  Kelly got off the horrible medicine and was moved to a regular room.  The kids were so excited!  They picked out balloons just for Perry.  
 Andrew introduced Ben to Perry.  Ben was so excited.  Love that smile on his face!

 Total preciousness!!!  Love the red hair!!
 Ben was ready to hold him!
 He was so serious.
 Matt finally got a chance to hold and meet Perry as well.  He had just seen him quickly through the nursery window.
 I of course had to get a little snuggle time in as well!
 We tried to get a picture of all 3 kids but no one wanted any of that.  Perry started crying and Kate was crazy!
 Kate has a stuffy nose so we didn't let her hold Perry.  She also wasn't that interested.  She sort of just looked at him and went on with being crazy!
They got to go home this afternoon and are all settled in.  We are still so excited.  Such a wonderful blessing!

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