Tuesday, January 29, 2013

She's A Mess

Miss Kate has had some really good weeks lately.  The amount of discipline required has really gone down.  She has a much better attitude about things and overall is just much more pleasant (I say that and now we are going to have some really bad days!).  She has also finally decided that she wants to be potty trained.  Yes that would mean it took about 10 months to potty train her.  Ugh!  Really who would have thought we could have 2 kids that it took almost a year to potty train.  She all the sudden has begun not having accidents and going potty by herself.  Thank goodness because I really thought I was going to lose my mind.  We are just thankful things are looking up with Kate.  

Her behavior and attitude may be looking better but she is still a huge mess that goes around making huge messes.  Ben was always such a calm child and never made big messes.  Kate walks into a room and things just get destroyed.  There can be a toy Ben has played with for 5 years and it looks brand new and Kate touches it one time and it is broken.  She is just a walking ball of destruction.  Today she got very quiet during rest time and I went to her bathroom and this is what I found.  A giant pile of new toothbrushes and water everywhere!  
 She has also decided she no longer wants to wear clothes.  If we are at home she just strips down to nothing.  We had a house full of people the other day and out she walks with nothing on!  Ahhh!!  Thankfully we leave our clothing on in public but I am sure one day she will strip down out somewhere!  Thankfully she is just too cute!
I have always been really good about keeping coloring stuff and pens away from the kids because I don't like messes.  Well Kate decided to improvise last week and took a magnet off of the fridge and drew all over the wall with a magnet.  Yes a magnet!!  
I think God continues to humble us through Kate.  We thought we had this parenting thing all figured out and He says "Ha!"  I am going to give you a wild child.  Our prayer lives have definitely gotten better since Kate came along.  But what a joy she is.  She keeps us laughing for sure.  I pray daily God can use all of her energy and quirks for His glory!  Can't wait to see what He does with her.

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