Monday, February 11, 2013

1,000th Post

Today marks a big day on the old blog.  This is my 1,000th post!  Hard to believe I have had that much to write about over the past 4 & 1/2 years.  It has been quite a journey.  It started as way for me to share pictures with family and friends not around here.  I didn't blog much at first but over the years it has really transformed.  This is my scrapbook for my kids.  I do this for them.  Hopefully it is something they can look back on to see what their childhood was like and also some random thoughts from their mom.  It is also a place for me to record the amazing things God has done for our family.  He has been so gracious to us and we give Him all the glory!
 I have been trying to think of something clever to do for the 1,000th post but alas nothing came to me.  So I guess I will just do what this blog is all about and post a cute picture of the kiddos!  Looking forward to another 1,000 posts.  I am sure there will be some interesting adventures along the way!  

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