Wednesday, February 27, 2013

A Very Catholic Post

I have always found Catholicisim very interesting.  It is so steeped in history.  So of course with tomorrow being the last day of the first pope to resign in 600 years I find it fascinating.  It has been so interesting to hear about all the history and rituals surrounding the event.  Watching the news stories on it brought back amazing memories from our Italy trip.  I thought I would share some of the interesting things we saw...

Here is a beautiful picture inside the halls of the Vatican.  
These are the Papal gardens.  I heard one report talking about how the Pope Emeritus might wander through these gardens.
The wall of the Sistine Chapel.  AMAZING!!!  We were really not supposed to take pictures inside the Sistine Chapel but I broke the rules.
And the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.  
Gate of Vatican City.
One of my favorite pictures inside St Peter's Basilica
In front of St. Peter's tomb.

Swiss Guards - They are so funny looking.
The balcony that the new pope will stand on when he is announced.
This is where the pipe will go for the black and white smoke.  So it is just so interesting.
We also had the amazing opportunity to visit the town of Castel Gandolfo.  It is a little town on Lake Albano.  It is absolutely gorgeous!

The town is most famous for being the summer home of the Pope.  This is the place that Pope Benedict will go tomorrow when he abdicates the papacy.  Visiting this little town you can easily see why the Pope would want to go here.  It is the most picturesque little town.   
Such great memories of an amazing trip.  I look forward to all of the media coverage over the next few weeks of these great places.

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