Monday, February 4, 2013

Fun Filled Saturday

We survived a really crazy Saturday.  It was one of those times when everything seemed to hit on the same day.  It was great though and lots of fun.  

We started the day really early with an early morning race.  Matt was so excited to finally get to run in a race.  It was a benefit race for Sandy Hook elementary school on the greenway near our house.  We were running the 5K part of the race.  The race went great but the weather threw us a bit of a curve.  About halfway through it started snowing and sleeting.  So that was exciting that our 2nd race was snowy!  It was really cold but we made it through.  
 Paige and I had a great time running together as always.  We finished a little faster than our last race which is good since the weather was not in our favor.  Matt finished a couple of minutes ahead of us.  He was glad to beat us.
 After the race we went home and got cleaned up and headed to a 30th birthday party for our friend Steven.  it was a fun time for all.  I was bad and didn't take any pictures.  Then it was off to a basketball game for Ben.  Ben had a huge cheering section at the game - mom, dad, sister, 4 grandparents, aunt, uncle, great grandmother, great aunt and cousin!  We took up a whole corner of the tiny gym.
 Perry made his first appearance at a sporting event.  He did great and slept through the whole game!
 Ben had a really fun game!  His team won which is always great.
 After the game, we went over the my parent's house for lunch.  We enjoyed getting to spend time with my grandmother and aunt who were up visiting and meeting Perry.  Kate and Ben just adore GG and are always so excited to see her!!  Ben was so excited she got to see him play basketball.
 GG loved getting to meet sweet baby Perry.
Then it was off to the Mobley's house for dinner.  We just love the Mobleys and love getting to spend time with them.  Ben and Kate loved playing with Genevieve.  They had a blast!!!  It had been too long since we had all gotten together so it was great to get caught up with them.  I was bad once again and didn't take any pictures.  I hate that I didn't!

Saturday was a really long day but it sure was great!!  Sunday we enjoyed breakfast with my Grandmother and Aunt before they headed home.  It was then off to church.  Sunday afternoon was really lazy since we all needed some down time.  We did enjoy watching the Super Bowl together as a family on Sunday evening.

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