Monday, February 25, 2013

Spring Fever

What a great weekend we had.  It started Friday night with an impromptu dinner at my parent's house while Matt was at a guys night.  We then came back to our house for some yummy chocolate fondue!!  The kids loved it! 
 Saturday Ben and I spent the day running errands getting ready for a certain almost 6 year olds birthday party!  Saturday night we did my favorite thing... family movie.  I love having my kiddos curled up next to me as we watch movies together.  Nothing better.
 Sunday was an absolutely glorious day outside.  Sunny with not a cloud in the sky.  We enjoyed spending all afternoon outside.  The boys did a little practicing for the upcoming tee ball season.
 Kate enjoyed playing on the playset.  Yes she is wearing a tutu.  Only Kate would wear a tutu to play all afternoon.
 We took the training wheels off of Ben's bike and he practiced riding with no assistance.  It takes a lot of practice so hopefully it won't be long til he will be riding on his own!
It was the perfect way to end the weekend.  It really gave us all some spring fever.  We can't wait until it is warm all the time.  For now it is back to rain and cold weather!

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