Friday, February 15, 2013

V Day!

We had a fun day yesterday celebrating Valentines Day.  I really think it is a fun day to show love to those around you.  It is especially fun with the kids!  We started the morning with fun heart cinnamon rolls.   
 We had little treats for the kids.  Ben got a couple of small Lego sets.
 Kate got the boy baby for her doll house and a new gymnastics leotard.
Matt and I didn't exchange gifts since we have several big things coming up.  We did make each other handmade cards.  

 The rest of the day was pretty normal.  We all went off to work, school and other activities.  Matt and i both had a free moment at lunch so we were able to grab a quick lunch together (good thing about working very close to one another).  Nothing says love like fast food Chinese food.
 We then did our traditional go out to Moe's BBQ for dinner.  We have done this the past 3 years so I guess you could call it a tradition.
It really was a special day for the 4 of us!  Great time sharing our love!

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