Thursday, March 14, 2013

Pi Day Randomness

Happy Pi Day!!!  Hope it has been a good one.  It has been busy around here but we are making it.  So glad it is almost Friday.  Just a few things to update on what is going on around here.  

Ben had his first Tball practice last night.  It seems like we just finished up with basketball and now it already time for Tball.  His team is going to be so much fun.  We are all excited about that.  It was a little cold at practice yesterday so we are all looking forward to it warming up.  
 Kate looked so cute for her gymnastics class today.  Our sweet neighbor Anna gave her this new skirt. Anna is an amazing dancer so she shared some of her old dance clothes with Kate.  Kate loved wearing it today.
 Yesterday was National RD day.  A big day for my profession.  I hope everyone hugged their favorite RD!!  Matt gave me this awesome card today!  I am so glad he appreciates my profession and all I do!
That's all for today!  I'm tired...

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