Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Rest Of Our Saturday

After the great morning at the Wizard of Oz breakfast, there was still more fun to be had.  The day was just gorgeous!!  It was so great to have 2 Saturdays in a row that were spring like.  We decided to take advantage of it and head on over to the botanical gardens.  We had a great time exploring the new things and just enjoying the beautiful day.  

 It was great to have a picnic lunch outside.

 The gardens have these great new area with hammocks.  We all enjoyed relaxing.
 The exhibit for the summer is giant backyard things.  We enjoyed playing croquet on the giant course.  

 It was such a fun time!  Next we headed over to my parent's house for the first dinner of the season on their patio.  My dad makes the best grilled pizzas.  We enjoyed relaxing and catching up with everyone.  
 Kate was being her normal crazy self.  I had to get a picture.
What a fun Saturday it was!

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