Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Caribbean Cruise 2013 - Day 5 Part 1

So I am going to have to break Thursday down into 2 parts.  We did so many fun things!!!  First up some dolphin fun...

We were able to spend the day on the beautiful island of Roatan Honduras.  And when I say beautiful that is an understatement.  It was GORGEOUS!!!!!  The water was crystal clear and so very picturesque.
 Roatan is a tiny little town.  It took about 2 minutes to walk through the port area.  We were able to do a little shopping and enjoy some time together before we split up.

 Kate and Matt left on their adventure and Ben and I hung out until it was time for ours to start.
 We were so excited to head over to Anthony's Key Resort to swim with dolphins!!!!!!!!
 The resort was beautiful and we loved just getting to check out the grounds and enjoy the beautiful weather.
 I have always wanted to swim with dolphins.  So this was a big check on my lifelong bucket list.  One of the best parts of the day for me was spending the day with my little buddy.  He is such an amazing little guy and such a joy to be around.  I don't get much time to just spend with him so we really enjoyed the whole day together.

 While we were waiting for our turn to get in with the dolphins some of the trainers put on little show for us.  We were able to see some amazing dolphin tricks and learn tons about dolphins.  They are such amazing creatures!  They are super social animals so they love performing and being in the water with humans.

 Then it was time for us to get in the water with the dolphins!!!  The water was crystal clear and amazing!!!  They had a photographer that took some wonderful pictures for us.  It was so cool to be in the water right with a dolphin.  Our dolphin's name was Fiona.  She was an 8 year old female and she was so sweet.  Her trainer is Dante.  The resort has over 30 dolphins and they are allowed to go out into the deep ocean.  They are very well taken care of.
 Ben and I got the chance to pose with Fiona!

 This may be my all time favorite picture ever!!!!!

 Then it was my turn to get a dolphin kiss.  So cool!

 Fiona did some awesome tricks for us.

 We got to touch her and rub her belly.  Ben says she felt like our leather couch.

 Such an amazing experience!!

 This is the ocean.  You can see straight to the bottom!

 The beaches in Honduras are absolutely amazing!!!!  I was blown away with God's amazing creation!

All I can say about the experience was that it was amazing!!!  Such a fun thing to do with my little guy.  Up next is monkeys with Matt and Kate...

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