Monday, April 8, 2013

Caribbean Cruise 2013 - Day 5 Part 2

Finally here is the rest of Thursday...

While Ben and I were hanging with the dolphins, Matt and Kate had an awesome adventure of their own.  They headed off to the Gumbalina Park and Pirate Cave.  The scenery was stunning!  
 They got to look at all sorts of amazing bugs that are native to Honduras.
 They explored a fun pirate cave.
 And crossed a really scary swinging bridge.  Matt said it totally freaked him out!
 Then they got to experience the wild side of the park.  I LOVE this picture!!!!
 Then it was monkey time.
 Matt gave his phone to a guy at the park and he snapped away.  There are over 150 pictures of them with monkeys.  I tried to pick out some of the best ones.  There is a great sequence of their interactions with the monkeys.

 The monkeys loved playing with Kate's hair.
 She loved every minute of it!!
 I can't believe they have 3 monkeys crawling all over them.  The ones on the left are a mom and her baby.  The baby is 2 months old.

 The monkey is giving Kate a hug!  She loved it!  We do think she is allergic to monkeys because she broke out in a horrible rash after this experience.
 After the animal fun they enjoyed a little relaxing on one of Roatan's beautiful beaches.

 We met back up on the ship and discussed our fun day.  We then headed off to a magic show which Ben enjoyed so much!
 The kids went to kids club for wacky tacky night!
And cowboys in space night for Kate!

 Matt and I enjoyed a nice dinner just to 2 of us!
 And a beautiful sunset!!!
What a fun day all around!!!


  1. Funny, most kids will never have the opportunity to fins out if they are allergic to monkeys :-)

  2. I was thinking the same thing, Ashley! Maybe she is allergic to animal dander of more common sorts, too. Or maybe they got sand on her and it irritated her skin. What an awesome experience, though!!! Y'all had so many fun opportunities!!
