Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Final Roll

After our snack we headed across campus towards the trees.  All I can say about the experience was that it was crazy!!!  The Auburn family turned out in full force.  There were people everywhere!!!  Despite being really crazy, the crowd was calm and family friendly.  There were kids everywhere.  It was great.  The atmosphere was electric.  
 We decided to brave the crowd and try to see if we could get close to the trees.  We got within about 200 feet of the trees before it was a dead standstill.  We gave up at that point and just rolled the closest trees.

 We had met up with Andrew, Kelly and Perry so we braved the crowds with them.  It was a family affair!

 Really I cannot explain how crazy the crowds were.  It was wall to wall people!!!  We then had to make our way across Magnolia to get to the car.  It was crazy!!!  But so much fun!!!

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