Thursday, May 23, 2013

End of TBall

Last night Ben had his last Tball game.  He has had such a great season.  We are sad to see it end.  Can't believe our Tball days are over (unless Kate wants to play).  Ben had a great season.  He really "figured out" the game.  He knew where to throw the ball and his skills got a lot better! His coach was awesome and he loved his teammates.  They had pictures before the game.  What a great looking bunch of kiddos.  
 Then it was on to the last game.  I love this picture with the sun in the background.  He got several good hits and outs during the game.  He did totally get run over playing first.  A kid totally took him down.  He hit his head hard on the ground but got up quickly.
 After the game, we headed over to Sweet CeCe's for a team party.  What is better than froyo?
 And the best part of the end of the season is always getting trophies!
 So proud of our little guy and how well he did!

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