Monday, May 6, 2013

Late Nights

We survived another great weekend.  The weather was yucky most of the weekend so it was great we had mainly indoor plans.  Friday night we went over to our friends the Newby's house.  We had a little welcome home party for Brad and LeeAnn.  We are so excited that they are finally all here.  We were laughing about the fact that there was only one kiddo at their going away party 5 years ago.  There were 6 on Friday night.  Things were totally different!!  It was fun to get caught up on things and just hang out.  The kids had so much fun playing.  We stayed until 10:30!  Crazy late for us!  It was lots of fun.  I loved this picture with the dads and kids playing Wii.  
 Saturday Ben's tball game got rained out.  Matt had to give a talk at an oncology conference so I took the kids to Chic-fil-a to play in the indoor playground to burn off some energy which was much needed.  We then headed over to Andrew and Kelly's house to celebrate Andrew's birthday.  Can't believe my little brother is 29!  I guess that makes me really old.  We had a yummy BBQ dinner and then played some games.  Ben knew exactly what to get Uncle Andrew for his birthday - Iron Man 3 movie tickets.  He couldn't wait to give them to him.  Of course Andrew loved them.

We stayed at their house until 10:00.  Two late nights in a row is unheard of for us old folks!!  We had a great time with it all.

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