Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day Weekend 2013

What a fun weekend it has been!!  Lots of fun family time and time outside.  I enjoy the time to reflect on the sacrifices made by our soldiers.  Freedom is not a free it is bought with a price.  "Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."  John 15:13.  I thin that sums it up perfectly.  

Our weekend started on Saturday when we went out to Matt's parent's house for a little family golf game.  The weather was just perfect!!

 We had a large family cookout after golf.  It was great!  It was all for Brett and Joanna who are about to move to Houston TX.  We are excited for them as they begin this new adventure but we sure will miss them.  Ben and Kate had so much fun playing with Uncle Brett.  He was a human target for them.
 Sunday night we had a cookout at my parent's house.  So glad my dad is doing better and could get up to do some grilling.  How yummy does all this food look?
 Of course we had to do some s'mores!  I am loving getting to stay up late into the night doing fun things!  I just love summer!!

 Today Matt had to work which was sad but the kids and I went on some fun adventures.  I will share one tomorrow but we did spend the afternoon at the pool.  It was way too cold for me to get in but the kids had a blast!!  They are both little fish.

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