Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Summer of Fun!!

For the last several weeks we have been compiling what we call our "Summer List of Fun."  It is just a long list of all the fun things we want to do this summer.  It includes simple things like bubbles all the way up to our big trips.  We wanted to make sure we didn't miss anything fun!  I am excited to be only working 1 or so days a week this summer so there will be lots of time for fun activities with family and friends.  We are also following a set routine in the morning that is going really well (I will share more about that next week).  It is great to look at our list each day and decide what we would like to do!  I am sure I will be sharing lots of different things we do throughout the summer.  
 Had to take a picture of the cuties before we left for a playdate this morning!
 Yesterday we marked off making cookies.  That was fun!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love the idea of a summer fun checklist! Looks like you have an adventurous one planned. Hopefully there will be a trip to Raleigh on that list sometime in the near future (perhaps a visit to some state capitals!!).
