Thursday, July 11, 2013

A Trip To The Library & Lunch With Daddy

Yesterday was a chemo day for my dad.  LeeAnn and I got to go visit him for a little bit while he was getting the treatment.  Always a special time when we get to hang out.  LeeAnn was super sweet to take me to the plastic surgeon yesterday morning to get a mole removed on my forehead.  The surgery wasn't too bad (other than the big huge needle sticking in my forehead).  I will have a lovely bandage for the next little bit (unless of course you want to see stitches that make me look like Frankenstein).  
Today we got to mark a couple of things off our "Summer List of Fun."  We went to the library for story hour.  They had a puppet show which was lots of fun!
 The kids loved getting to check out some books.  Poor Kate had never been to story time at the library before.  Ben and I used to go all the time when he was little.  Once Kate came along that sort of got pushed to the side.  So glad we were able to go.  Ben has already read a couple of his books.  He is doing really well with his reading.
 They even did their own puppet show!
 We then picked up Matt to go out to lunch!  We love getting to eat lunch with Daddy!!

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