Friday, July 19, 2013

Camp Week

This past week has been crazy busy!!!  Really our days were packed.  There were days we were only home for an hour during the day.  The major activities of the week were golf and ballet camp.  At the beginning of the summer each of the kids got to pick a camp of something they were interested in.  They both had a great time!  

Ben has always really enjoyed golf.  He started playing when he was about 2 and has a very natural swing.  This year he was finally old enough to do a camp.  
 He did really well at the camp.  It was at a local golf center and they were led by PGA pros which is really neat.  The pros were very impressed with how well Ben did.  I was most proud of Ben for his grown up actions during the camp.  He was the youngest camper by far and he didn't know anyone else.  The first day he walked into the conference room and sat down on the first row ready to learn.  I was so impressed!!  He looked so grown up and did so well.  I am so proud of his confidence and how he is willing to do new things even when they are uncomfortable.
 He got a neat certificate and now can do the advanced camp!  I am so glad he loves golf so much!
 Kate has been talking about ballet for forever!!  She loves to dance around the house so we knew ballet camp was perfect for her.  Alabama Youth Ballet does a Tutus and Tiaras camp for preschoolers each summer.  She could not wait.  Her friends Paige and Addy also did the camp with her.
 She loved every minute of camp.  It combined 2 of her loves - dance and princesses!  Yesterday they did a little "performance" to show off what they had learned during the week. It was so cute!  Kate was sort of doing her own thing at times but she did get down the moves.

 They made tutus, crowns and wands.  So cute!!
 Pretty princesses!  They had such a great time all week.
So glad the kids had the opportunity to participate in both of these camps.  Such a fun experience.  I drove all over the county all week but I was happy to do it for them!

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