Monday, July 15, 2013

Relaxing Weekend

After a couple of busy weeks and weekends we were all ready for a relaxing few day when Friday rolled around.  We were thankful that this weekend was not too busy!  We started out Friday night having the Wrights over for dinner.  Nothing better than a relaxing evening with your oldest and dearest friends!!  We keep forgetting that they are back living close by and we can see them anytime we want!  It is awesome.  The kids had a blast and it was great to get caught up with them.  
 Saturday during the day there was nothing on the schedule.  I got to go to yard sales with my mom and Matt did yard work.  Then we all took naps in the afternoon.  It was awesome.  Saturday night we had a cook out at one of Matt's co workers house to welcome the new residents for the year.  I use the word house loosely.  A better term might be mansion.
 I mean this house is insane!!  There are crazy statues and works of art everywhere.  The kids were overwhelmed.  The house is set on the side of the mountain and the weather was great.
 The kids had so much fun playing in the swimming pool.  Probably the most unusual pool they will ever swim in.

 Matt enjoyed playing yard games with his co workers.  Please note the statues in the background.
 It was a fun evening.
Sunday was very relaxing with church and then stuff around the house.  So nice to take it easy before a very busy week!!

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