Thursday, August 22, 2013

Dance Mom

So our week didn't end up going quite like planned.  Ben started running a fever on Tuesday morning and missed the second and third day of school.  Crazy!!!  Not how we wanted to start the year at all.  Thankfully he is all better now and we are catching up on the work that he missed (first grade is no joke!).  

Since he was sick I didn't get to take Kate but she started dance on Tuesday!  She loved gymnastics last year but we thought it would be good for her to try dance as well since she loves dancing around the house so much.  We found a new dance studio near our house that has a preschool class where they get to do ballet, tap, tumbling and even a little singing.  They teach them about stage performance which is totally Kate!  Her friends Paige and Kaylee are also in the class.  She loved class on Tuesday!!  In fact when she was leaving she gave the teacher a hug and asked if she could come back the next day.  I never thought I would be a dance mom but I guess we are embarking on that adventure!  How cute is this little class?  I am sure there will be lots more dance pictures throughout the year!

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