Monday, August 5, 2013

Fun With The Wrights

One of the best parts of our beach trip was that the Wrights came down to join us on Wednesday!!  We have been doing an annual beach trip for several years now and are excited to keep the tradition going for many years to come.  The kiddos were running around crazy waiting for Paige and Grace to get there.  They have so much fun together.  It is like a giant slumber party.  We hit the beach together the first day they were there.  
 Baby Grace is so sweet.  Last year on our beach trip she wasn't here yet and now she is almost one.

 The girls had so much fun digging in the sand (Ben did not enjoy it like always).  They could have spent hours digging and burying each other.

 Even Matt got in on the burying in the sand!
 The boys were nice enough to watch the kids one afternoon so LeeAnn and I could enjoy some shopping.  We hit up the toy sale at Target and the outlet mall.
 We also enjoyed a fun day of pool time with the Wrights.  How silly are these kiddos!!

 At night we enjoyed dinners out and then putting the kids to bed while we played games.  We stayed up until midnight or later each night playing cards and Settlers.  Lots and lots of laughs all around!!  We are so thankful for our sweet friends and our lifelong friendship.  We can't wait until next year's beach trip!!

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