Saturday, August 24, 2013

Swim For Melissa 2013

Today was the big day of the Swim For Melissa.  Over the past month Ben has worked hard fundraising for the NICU.  We are so proud of how hard he worked!  He was so excited this morning to "swim for the babies."  He kept asking how much equipment they would be able to buy with the money raised.  So sweet.  The weather was perfect (it was a little hot) and they were ready to swim!  Ben and his buddy Evan were on a team together.  
 Ben had a large cheering section of family!  Cousin Perry was giving Ben a pre-swim pep talk.  Thanks to everyone who came to cheer on Ben!
 This is Ben's team The Groovy Guppies 2.  
 We are so proud of our little swimmer!!
 Almost time to swim!!!

 And he was off...
 He swam the first 2 laps all on his own with no floats.  He did awesome.
 He grabbed a kick board and swam 4 more laps for a total of 6 laps in 5 minutes!

 Ben was the top fundraiser on his team raising about $900 for the NICU!  We are so proud of him!

 This is Ben with his friend Lily Baker.  Lily Baker's family started the Melissa George Neonatal Fund 8 years ago after the death of their newborn daughter.  We have had the privilege to get to know this family over the past few years and they have been such a blessing.  They have truly shown how to turn tragedy into triumph through Christ's love.  
What a fun morning it was!!!  Thank you so much to all of our friends and family who supported Ben.  You guys are amazing!!

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