Tuesday, October 29, 2013

A Week of Fun

I guess it is the fact that it is Halloween week but there is a bunch of fun stuff going on a schools and other activities.  Ben's school is having "say no to drugs week" with different things to wear each day.  Monday was wear red day.  
 Today was wear your PJs day.  He was so excited to wear his PJs to school!  He didn't have to get dressed!!
 Today was princess day at Kate's dance class.  They also got to bring a friend so Libby joined us.  I had a van full of giggling 3 year old girls.  Nothing more fun than that!!
 Aren't they pretty princesses??  Love these sweet girls and their special friendship.
 Look at all the pretty girls at dance!!  They had so much fun!!
So many exciting things this week.  I love watching my kiddos have fun and enjoy being kids!

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