Monday, October 7, 2013

A Weekend On The Plains

We had the BEST weekend in Auburn!!!  It was so much fun and full of all sorts of great Auburn things.  We headed out Friday after work and school and got to Lafayette late Friday night.  The kids were SO excited to see GG.  They had been talking about seeing her for weeks!!  They love playing with her toys and sleeping on the cot in her living room.  Saturday morning we just hung out at my grandmother's house.  My Aunt Lisa and cousin Christopher joined us.  I hadn't seen my cousin in several years so it was great to catch up with him.  We had a fun Mexican lunch together.  
 Then it was off to Auburn!!!  We found an awesome parking spot in downtown so we were quickly on campus taking in the sites.
 We of course ran into the Weller family because we run into them whenever we are in Auburn!!  It is so funny how we see them every time we are there.  The boys played a little football on Samford lawn.
 We enjoyed a nice leisurely walk around campus just taking in all the fun sites.  

 It was quite warm.  We have a rule that we don't go to any games before October because it is too hot.  I think we may have to amend the rule to be no games before mid October.  We all needed to cool down so we headed into the new student union for Icees and ice cream sandwiches.
 We then went over to the alumni tent where we got to see Aubie.  That was what the kids wanted the most.  They were also excited to see some of the raptors from the Raptor Center.
 We enjoyed the free alumni tent food!  Nothing better than free food on game day!
 Then we headed over to Tiger Walk.  The kids had never been before.  We are always so busy on game days seeing friends and tailgating so it was nice to have a more low key day to get to see everything.  They enjoyed Tiger Walk and seeing all the players.

 We didn't have tickets to the game but were able to get 4 of them outside the stadium for less than our budget!  So it was off to the stadium we went.  We were up near the very top of the upper deck but we were there!!!  It was Kate's first game and she was super pumped.  She couldn't wait to see "Auburn kick the ball."
 The game got off to a great start and the sunset was beautiful.
 Kate enjoyed the first little bit then crashed out on us.  She slept through most of the first half but it worked out good because we only had 3 seats together so needed her to sit in my lap.
 It was an awesome game!!!  Auburn played great especially the defense.  We yelled and yelled!!  The kids really got into it.  Ben loved asking questions about things and learning about the game and all the things going on around us.

So glad Auburn won!!!!  4-1 is pretty awesome!!  We headed back to Lafayette where everyone went to sleep quickly.  Sunday we got up and spent some more fun time with GG.  Kids loved it!!  Then it was time to head home.  
It was such an awesome weekend.  Love getting to spend time in our favorite place on earth!

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