Wednesday, October 2, 2013

BSF & Blue Ribbon

 It has been another full day!  Really this week has just been crazy.  The "to do" list is about a mile long.  Will be glad when it is over!  Started the day with some awesome time in the Word at BSF.  Didn't Kate look so cute?  Thinking we may have to stick with the fall theme for BSF each week.  
 They started something new at BSF this week where the children came into worship with the adults to start out.  It was fun to have Kate there to sing hymn with me.  She enjoyed the hymnal.  I haven't mentioned it but both Matt and my dad started going to the men's BSF class at night.  They are both enjoying it.  It is fun to talk with them about the lesson each week.  We are hoping Ben can even get into a class with them so the whole family can be in BSF!!
 After BSF, it was straight to Ben's school.  I have been spending LOTS of time there the last few weeks.  I am a first grade room mom this year.  If I had known what all it involved I might have rethought volunteering.  Actually, I enjoy it.  It is good to be in the school and see what is going on.  Also a great opportunity to get to know other parents and kids.  The school is in the process of applying to be  "National Blue Ribbon" school.  It is a huge honor but also a lot of work!!!  So much to get done around the school to get it ready.  So throw that work in with everything else that needs to be done during a regular week at the school and I am spending just about all of my free time up there.  Today's project was door decorating.  The other room mom and I were in charge of decorating 2 doors on the first grade hall.  We worked for about 5 hours today but I must say the doors turned out awesome!!

Sure do hope we get that blue ribbon because it sure has taken a bunch of work.  I'm ready for bed!!

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