Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Finally, The Rest of the Weekend

I know it is hump day and I am just now getting around to posting about the rest of our weekend.  Just a little behind this week.  Friday night the kids headed over to Mema and Opa's house to spend the night.  They had a blast.  Matt and I enjoyed a night out.  We went out to dinner and then to the movies.  Gravity is super intense!!  We got up super early Saturday morning to head to the Liz Hurley Ribbon Run.  It is a 5K through downtown to support breast cancer research.  There was lots of pink.  Matt and I don't get to run together much so it was fun to do together.  
 There were 6,500 runners and tons of spectators.  It was crazy!  But lots of fun!
 Then it was pumpkin patch time!  After that we had to hurry home to watch the Auburn/Texas A & M game.  We were a bit nervous about the game and really weren't expecting a win.  Any Auburn game requires a cookie cake!!
 The Wrights came over for the second half of the game.  We had a fun time eating yummy football food and watching the game.  We were all shocked that Auburn won.  What an exciting game it was!!  There was a lot of screaming!  The kids didn't seem bothered by the yelling and enjoyed playing some games.  The rest of the night we played games and just reveled in the win!
 Sunday we had a low key day.  We participated in a special Team Gary prayer time for my parents and their trip to MD Anderson.  It was so amazing to see how many people were praying for them.  One of their neighbors filled their sidewalk with scripture and prayers.  It was so awesome!
The weekend seems like a long time ago now but that is the wrap up!!

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