Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween 2013

What a fun Halloween we had!!  It was low key but perfect.  All week the weather people have been talking about how it was going to rain and storm all night on Thursday.  We were a little worried we wouldn't get to go but thankfully the bad weather held off and we were able to go out trick or treating.  

Each year we let the kids pick a theme and costumes to go with it.  Usually Ben is the one who picks so this year we let Kate.  After much discussion she decided on Peter Pan and Tinkerbell.  They looked so cute all dressed up!!

 We of course had to go down and trick or treat with the McClures.  It is our tradition!!  The kids always have so much fun!

 I think this is my favorite picture of the night!  Love how sweet they look and how they adore each other.  I know they won't dress up together for much longer.  It won't be too many years before they will be going out on their own.  I want to remember this moment for forever!
 It started raining pretty steady about halfway down our street.  We kept going a little bit but didn't make it as long as usual.
Kate and I came back and handed out candy.  She loved it!!  I think she liked giving it away more than she liked getting it.  Don't you just love her Tinkerbell hair??  She and I watched YouTube videos to figure out how to do it.  It involved a sock, lots of bobby pins and tons of hairspray!
 All her candy (really not that much but perfect for her)!
 It was a perfect night.  A little rain couldn't stop the fun!

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