Saturday, November 16, 2013

Happy 4th Birthday Kate!!!

Today the baby of our family turns 4.  I am struggling with that more than I thought I would.  It is hard to believe that our sweet baby girl is so grown up!  We are so excited to celebrate our Kate today.  God has done amazing things in her little life already and we can't wait to see what else He is going to do in and through her! 
 My Dearest Kate,

Happy Birthday My Love!!  You truly are the joy and life of our family.  You bring so much fun into our (somewhat) boring lives.  I think daily about how you complete our family is such a special way!!  As we celebrate you today, I want you to know how much you are loved.  Here are a few things we love about our Kate:

  • You have the most fun personality.  Everything is such an exciting and big deal to you!  I love how when you learn something new your eyes just light up and you get so excited.  You are always thinking of new and creative ways to do things.  You find joy in the little things. I am blown away at times with how smart you are (I am your mom I can say that).  You look at the world around you with such amazement and seek to learn from all you do.  I am not saying your are always sweet and wonderful.  You have your moments but I think that is just part of your personality that is strong and independent. Hopefully you will outgrow the "Terrible 1's, 2's and 3'"s soon and it will be the "Fantastic 4's."   We pray daily that God will use this fun, strong personality for great things.   

  •  You love to play!!!  You will wonder off for hours in the house and when I go to find you I will find you surrounded by all of your toys as you make up stories and "plays."  Some of your favorite things to do are play with your princess dolls and dress up.  You also just love to go outside and play.  You are an incredible loyal friend even at the age of 4.  I see the love you have for your sweet friends and it amazes me.  Your best friends are Addy, Paige and Kaylee.  You also love to make up stories and you make up some of the best stories around.  They usually involve a princess and some sort of crazy adventure.  We love playing the "I'm Thinking of A Disney Character" game with you!  

  •  You have the most beautiful eyes.  I look into them and see such great peace.  They are a beautiful color of dark golden honey.  I am also a little jealous of your beautiful hair.  You continue to grow so big.  I think you are a little shy of 40 pounds and are really tall for your age.  You are one of the tallest kids in your class.  We are so thankful for how healthy you continue to be.  After your rough start, we have been bless with a very healthy little girl.  You are also one of the toughest kids around!  I look down and you will be covered with blood and not crying one bit.  There is not much that phases you in that way.  We laugh all the time at you because it is like you have a magnet that attracts dirt straight to you.  You love to wear dresses and be girly but we will look down and you will be covered in dirt, sticky stuff and all sorts of other things from head to toe.  Your hair is usually a giant mess due to something you got into.  I love that about you!!!  

  •  Your favorite thing to do is to watch TV.  We limit you watching it but you would watch it all day if we let you.  You love any princess show or movie of course.  You also really like Doc McStuffins and Sprout.  Some of your favorite foods include chicken nuggets, hot dogs, cheese, yogurt and strawberries.  You have become much more picky in what you eat over the past year.  I guess it just goes with your age.  Your favorite color is purple but you HATE to color.  You love going to school each day.  There are days I want you to stay home and play with me but you cry and beg to go to school.  

  •  I love seeing your sweet relationship with your big brother.  I can say you guys really are best friends.  You encourage each other in all you do.  You love to play together (most of the time).  He happily plays princesses with you and you love to play Legos with him.  You guys love to curl up together and read a book or watch a movie.   I am so thankful for the love that I see between the two of you.  My prayer is that you guys are always close!

 Kate, we are so thankful God chose you to be part of our little family.  The joy that just radiates from you is so special.  Happy Birthday Sweet Girl!!  I pray that God continues to do big things in your life.  That you love Him and have a passion to follow Him all the days of your life.

We Love You!!!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Kate! I love the spunky girl in the photos - so fun!
