Thursday, November 7, 2013

Thankful Thursday

 It is the month for giving thanks.  All over Facebook and blogs people are sharing the things they are thankful for.  As our family goes through this trial, I struggle at times to be thankful.  It is not my first reaction as I strive to just make it through the day at times.  But God has been reminding me that I need to be thankful in all things.  I need to thank Him for the trial and what He is teaching me.  I saw this quote and it is so true.  It is through giving God thanks that my attitude is changed and I am filled with His joy.  So for that reason I am going to share some things that I am thankful for each Thursday during November.  They will probably just be some random thoughts but it is what God has shown me to be thankful for through the week.

  • I am so thankful for the righteousness of Christ that has become mine.  Through studying the sermon on the mount in Matthew, I have become even more convicted of my sin.  I see where I mess up so much BUT I also see Christ's redeeming love.  Through His death, His righteousness became mine.  When God looks at me he does not see my sin but He sees Christ's righteousness.  What a humbling and freeing thought!!  So much to be thankful for right there!!  
  • I am thankful for my job.  When I was picking a career 15 years ago, I really wanted to pick something that would allow me to have a family and also work.  That was the plan but I never thought it would actually be a reality (grand plans so rarely come true).  Was I ever wrong.  God has blessed me abundantly with an amazing job that is flexible and allows me to be a mom but also work at something I love.  There aren't many people that can say that.  I try not to take it for granted. 
  • Today I am thankful for Ben's school.  It has not been the easiest decision to put him in public schools and we have actually faced a lot of criticism for our decision.  I do have to admit it has not always been an easy road.  But I do know it is the road we are supposed to be on.  Tonight confirmed that.  Their school did a program for Veteran's Day.  They spoke openly about the foundation of our country and the freedoms that we enjoy.  God was honored through it all.  What a blessing it was to know that even in a country with some really big issues there are still God honoring parts.   Ben is not only getting a great education but he is also learning so much more.  By the way, Ben did awesome at the program.  We were so proud of how well he sang!!  

  • I know it is random but today I am also thankful for text messages.  I was having a down time today and just feeling sorry for myself.  I then received several texts from friends that were so encouraging.  Technology can be a very good thing!! 
So that is what I am thankful for this Thursday.  God is so good and I thank Him!!

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