Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Pre Thanksgiving Fun

We have had a good day getting ready for Thanksgiving.  It is so nice for everyone to be out of school.  We hate Matt is having to work but the rest of us are having lots of fun.  The kids "camped" in the living room last night.  They loved it.  
 We braved the grocery store to pick up what we needed for our Thanksgiving food.  It actually wasn't too bad and these guys were a lot of fun!
 We picked up Granna and Grandaddy and headed to the movies this afternoon.  The kids could not wait to see Frozen.  We are very glad that my dad didn't get chemo this week so he felt well enough to join us.  The movie was really cute and the kids haven't stopped talking about it.
 We finished off the evening playing a little Mall Madness.  The kid are now obsessed with it.  Glad they like a little bit of my childhood.
It really has been a fun day.  We are excited to celebrate and give thanks tomorrow.

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