Monday, November 4, 2013

Vulcan 10K

We spent a great weekend in Birmingham for me to run in the Vulcan 10K.  When we signed up for the 1/2 marathon we knew we needed to get a 10K time.  The Vulcan was the last one before our time had to be in so off to Birmingham we went.  The kids were so excited to get to stay in a hotel.  They love hotels!  
 Friday afternoon/evening we spent some time wondering around Homewood and then had dinner at Little Donkey.  There is nothing better than Little Donkey (although now I know not to eat Mexican prior to running).

We were up early on Saturday morning for me to get ready for the race.  Thankfully our hotel was about 2 blocks from the start of the race.
 Paige and I before the race.  We were ready!!  We have been training and were just ready to run.
 The race went well.  It was a tough course with lots of hills but we did pretty well.  I struggled with not feeling very well at times but was able to push through and only walk a couple of minutes.  It was a beautiful course that wound through downtown Birmingham.  The view of Vulcan at mile 3.5 was great!
As I came up to the finish line I saw these cuties with their awesome sign!!!  Kate wanted to make a purple sign with green glitter.  I loved it!!
 Right before I crossed the finish line!!  Not looking too bad.  My finish time was 1:11:44. Averaged 11:30 per mile which qualifies us right where we wanted for the 1/2 marathon.
 And our after picture.  We don't look too bad!
 My biggest fans!!

 Kelly ran the race too so it was great to get to hang out with her!
 Love all these sweet people.  I think Paige and I had the biggest cheering section.
 My awesome friend Lisa came to cheer us on at the end!!  I was so excited to see her and her little girl.  We got to hang out with them on Friday night and again Saturday afternoon.  I always enjoy catching up with her and just sharing what is going on in our lives.  She is such an encouragement!!  So it was wonderful to have her at the end of the race.
 We finished our first 10K so it is time to head to Disney World!!!!
 Ben's favorite part was the free food after the race!
After the race I was pretty much spent so the rest of the weekend was pretty low key.  We came home on Saturday afternoon and just hung out watching some football.  Nothing too exciting.

I am so proud of how well we did in the race.  It is so great to be able to set a goal and work towards accomplishing it (as a mom this doesn't happen all that often).  It is something I never thought I could do.  Can't wait to run more!!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your wonderful achievement and best of luck in Disney!
