Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Christmas Light Scavenger Hunt

Saturday night we planned a fun night for the kiddos (with help from Pinterest).  I printed off special golden "Minivan Express" tickets.  We placed them on the kids pillows without them knowing.  We went about the regular bedtime routine.  When they got in bed they saw the tickets and were so excited!!!  We quickly loaded up in the van (all of us in our PJs).  I had put popcorn and a special Christmas treat in their seats for the trip.  And off we went on a fun Christmas adventure!!

 We did a Christmas light scavenger hunt.  It was so much fun!!  It took the regular looking at lights to a whole new level.  We all loved looking for the things on the list and marking them off.  Snoopy and the Grinch were the last 2 left on the list but Matt and I knew a house we could go to to get it marked off for sure.  It was so much fun.  It was a great way to look at lights!
It was such a fun surprise for the kids and they loved it!!!  They both slept with their golden tickets and took them to school on Monday.

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